I’ve been putting this blog post off for a few weeks now, ever since we heard the news. Partly out of denial, because the long story with all the details held so much uncertainty that it’s hard to believe this is actually happening, and partly because admitting the move means I have to actually do something about it. Like pack stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. But I packed my first few boxes this week, so I can’t put it off any longer….
Jamie and I are moving to Columbus, Ohio!
You can tell that our cat is thrilled about it.
Actually, I really am quite excited about it. Not that I won’t miss all of our friends here in the south, but I’m excited with what this means for our family. At the moment, the big move is tentatively planned for the end of June/beginning of July, since June is crazy-busy with weddings this year.
So if you are a current client, what does this mean for you?
Not much, really. I still plan on booking Nashville weddings in the future and since most of my client meeting now take place over phone, e-mail and Skype, I’ll still be as connected and available as ever. I have also already had a few requests for a fall boudoir marathon in Nashville, so plans for that are already in motion. I’ll still make my schedule available for portrait sessions as well, when my schedule allows. Only now, you’ll have someone to stay with if you’re ever passing through Columbus.
In the meantime, I want to give you a little parting gift. I will be offering complete portrait session packages (session + disc) for only $500 (regularly $800) for all portrait sessions booked and held in May or June 2012. Weekend availability is limited. My gift to you, because I’m really going to miss you all.
Nashville has been our home for more than five years now and I never thought we’d be making this move. But I also know that there are many times where we’re asked to do things we never expected we’d ever do. We’re taking a giant leap of faith and I have to admit it’s kind of scary. I’ll miss the Nashville winters (because boy, do I love them) and I’ll hate the fact I have to once again purchase a winter coat. I’ll miss the southern drawls, sweet tea and being on Central Standard Time. Most of all, I’m really going to miss our friends who have been with us through some really tough things over the last few years and this amazing network of clients, photographers and wedding vendors here in Nashville. But I can say that this move is definitely the right move for us.
So between now and the end of June, just let me know if you’d like to grab a cup of coffee or stop by to help pack a box or two. I’d love to spend some time with you!
so since I am so sad you are moving.. I think you need to leave your cat with me as a parting gift. It will soften the blow. This makes me want a Bengal as our next cat!! You just need to tell my husband that they are great cats. I think he has only met grumpy ones!