As clichéd as it may seem, I often liken life to a novel. There are many different chapters that make up our lives. Some have an intertwining theme; characters and story lines carry over from one chapter to another. Other chapters must first come to a close before the next one can begin. Adventure after adventure; heartbreak and joy; uncertainties and successes. Each person’s life is uniquely designed with the heavy anticipation of what is to come next.
Nick and Julie’s story is one that exudes the faith and love upon which it is built. And here were are, just weeks away from turning the page to reveal the next chapter of their lives. This time, the Author will introduce a new character – one who has a starring role in the Butcher family – Graham Butcher.
In my opinion, Graham couldn’t ask for two better parents. Nick and Julie have long awaited for this moment. As their friend, I’ve clearly seen the joy they’ve experienced throughout this pregnancy. No two people deserve this gift more than they do. And no one, except for the Creator, could love this baby more.
As I’m going through these photos, I feel as if I’m curled up on the couch on a rainy day, thumbing through the pages of a romance novel. Not the blush-as-you-glance-at-the-cover-I-don’t-dare-pick-it-up kind. But the kind that is based on the ultimate Romance, shared by two lovely people.
And the next chapter is about to describe one of the greatest adventures one could ever embark on. The idea is truly captivating.
This story is to be continued…
You did such a great job of capturing this precious family. You are right… they are going to make AMAZING parents.